日本When Alena arrives at her new elite boarding school, Filippa and the other girls start to harass her. But Alena's best friend Josefin won't let her take anymore beating. If she won't strike back, Josefin will do it for her. Hard.
日本When Alena arrives at her new elite boarding school, Filippa and the other girls start to harass her. But Alena's best friend Josefin won't let her take anymore beating. If she won't strike back, Josefin will do it for her. Hard.
回复 :故事讲述一个有“阴阳眼”的女孩扣子,在为男友庆生当夜,为了摆脱纠缠她的小女鬼而误伤了自己的男友,失去理智的她开车逃离男友家,却被突如其来的暴风雨困到一个雨水淹没的桥洞里。积水不断上涨,渗入车内,车门锁死,扣子打电话求救却不知身在何方,令她意想不到的是,小女鬼又来找她索命,绝望的她点燃了油箱……
回复 :柔情硬汉石头和强势萝莉艾嘉在机缘巧合下卷入是非,由此产生误会。艾嘉为达到目的套路石头从猫捉老鼠到女仆游戏,轮番上演爱情三十六计。相爱相杀的两人开启一段5g升级爱情故事。然而种种意外导致背后秘密浮出水面,非正式爱情该如何继续......
回复 :中国姑娘在美国收到迫害被一名美国司机所救下,两人在相处中渐生好感。但随着互相的了解,美国司机逐渐打开了这个中国姑娘背后的秘密。为了能够让这个中国姑娘重获自由,他不得不做出一系列的选择与决定...