Meet David Crosby in this portrait of a man with everything but an easy retirement on his mind.
Meet David Crosby in this portrait of a man with everything but an easy retirement on his mind.
回复 :イマジンによる乗車チケットの盗難事件がターミナルで発生し、良太郎(溝口琢矢)とモモタロスはチケットを奪い返そうとするが、逆に深手を負ってしまう。助っ人として、幸太郎(桜田通)とテディが現われるが、両者の契約は終了したとオーナー(石丸謙二郎)が衝撃の発言をいきなり浴びせる。
回复 :明代才子未央生,自恃才高俊秀,认为人生苦短,应该追求人世间的性爱极乐。他邂逅了道学宿儒铁扉道人的女儿铁玉香,二人一见钟情,郎才女貌,未央生随即拜堂成亲,入赘为婿。然而,玉香自幼受乃父道学濡染,端庄持重,不谙床笫之事、鱼水之欢;令一心追求性爱极乐的未央生感到味同嚼蜡。纵然彼此相爱,未央生亦始终为此大感遗憾。一次,未央生被引见造访藩王(宁王)的“绝世楼”,宁王为人好大喜功,喜收集绝世珍藏,从字画、古董珍品,到绝世奇才,均无一遗。未央生以其监赏奇才,被宁王招为上宾,被引领进入“极乐阁”。“极乐阁”可谓浮世中的酒池肉林-众人沉溺色欲当中,做尽极尽荒唐之事;未央生置身其中,顿感血脉沸腾,眼界大开。宁王麾下携有两大绝色美女,包括:床上功夫绝世的瑞珠、冷艳但有强烈暴虐倾向的冬梅。未央生得宁王赏赐,遂跟两人夜夜痴缠,可是,却在过程中发觉仰自己的尘柄过于短小,自惭形秽。及后,未央生得遇极乐老人-一个容貌为美女,但实为年花甲、采阳补阴天下第一的方士。在其安排和指导下,未央生不单换上雄驴的性器,还练成了房中秘术。超人的床技令他成为天下第一的性技高手,终日肆意追求爱欲带来的快感。快活不知时日过,玉香独守空房,斯人独憔悴,最后在父亲及乡众的压力下,选择跟未央生仳离。玉香的离开令未央生更肆意纵情于色欲里。然而,一切皆非偶然,所有奇遇其实都是预先安排给他俩的杀身陷阱。
回复 :Judas, a seasoned thief, finds himself in the market square where Christ is giving a sermon and his apostles are collecting alms. He follows them and steals their money, only to be caught red-handed. Nevertheless, the Teacher forgives him. What is more, He invites the thief to become one of His followers and offers him a position as the group’s treasurer. Shocked by Christ’s unexpected offer, Judas decides to join the apostles, if only to figure out what is going on. He gradually starts to comprehend Christ’s message, but feels that the apostles are blindly following their teacher. Judas argues with them, and tries to defend his right to divine the truth of God. But when he fails to make them understand, he realizes that Christ’s teachings may sink into oblivion without benefiting humanity. His solution is to betray Christ. “By killing a man, have I not saved a God?”