视频A journey from Suphan to the Kingdom of Ayothaya of a boy named "Kaew", he travels with hope to be enlisted in the army in the time of war, there he meets "Pim", his first love who is now engaged to a perfect man called "Chang".
视频A journey from Suphan to the Kingdom of Ayothaya of a boy named "Kaew", he travels with hope to be enlisted in the army in the time of war, there he meets "Pim", his first love who is now engaged to a perfect man called "Chang".
回复 :Facing a bleak future, a young man runs away to Mexico where he is recruited by the mysterious captain of a paramilitary group of teens who fight drug cartels. Isolated at their desert camp and unsure what he's fighting for, he seeks to prove himself in this crucible of manhood.
回复 :1947年,蒋介石匪军为了挽回其垂死命运,倾巢出动,大举进攻我陕甘宁解放区.我军在毛泽东战略思想的指导下,为了诱敌深入,集中优势兵力,消灭敌人有生力量,主动撤离了延安.胡宗南军队占领延安后,兴高采烈.不久,他们发现原来这不是什么胜利,而是挤进了我军为他们设置的一条死胡同.这时,敌人除了在正面战场上节节失利以外,还在他们认为的后方延安,也遭到了致命的打击
回复 :一九七五年春天,为保证铁路正常运输,中州铁路局商洛电务段组织了以革委会主任路云志为首的设备检查整修队,决心步行二百五十公裡,在管区内的铁路沿线进行设备检修。“四人帮”的亲信姚兴邦等,害怕路云志等人的行动打乱他们“稳住上海,搞乱全国,乱中夺权”的阴谋,便给路云志他们制造重重障碍,污蔑他们搞“唯生产力论”等等。但是,这一切都没能阻止整修队前进。姚兴邦又派人到整修队进行分化瓦解,也未得逞。继之,又妄图制造火车相撞事故。由于路云志挺身抢救,使事故得以避免。姚兴邦狗急跳牆,派他的保镖非法绑架了路云志,逼他承认步行二百五十裡是“走资派”搞的黑样板,并要他交出后台。整修队在看道工人和群众的帮助下,经过一场搏斗,救出了路云志,又克服重重困难,胜利到达了检修的终点站。