莓视A daring portrait of a middle-aged disabled man in pursuit of intimacy.
莓视A daring portrait of a middle-aged disabled man in pursuit of intimacy.
回复 :丹德丽和丹德拉是孪生姐弟,弟弟喜欢偷供奉在神庙里的鸡蛋回来让姐姐煮。他们每次吃鸡蛋时,姐姐会把蛋黄给弟弟,自己吃蛋白。弟弟颅内有个肿块压迫大脑,他会渐渐失明失聪,最终失去所有知觉。弟弟住院,姐姐把小狗偷偷带进医院陪他玩耍,看着弟弟耍皮影,还陪弟弟一起在医院里种稻苗,听他弹奏乐器。随着弟弟病情加重,家里被悲伤的气氛环绕,妈妈时不时以泪洗面。为了让弟弟的病情有所好转,家人们用尽了各种方式:妈妈会弹琴给丹德拉听,丹德丽会陪丹德拉跳舞。然而,最终奇迹还是没能降临到丹德拉身上。
回复 :Timeshift charts the evolution of the British postage stamp and examines how these sticky little labels became a national obsession. Like many of us, writer and presenter Andrew Martin collected stamps when he was young, and now he returns to that lost world to unpeel the history of iconic stamps like the Penny Black and the Blue Mauritius, study famous collectors like King George V and the enigmatic Count Phillip de Ferrary, and to meet present-day philatelists at a stamp club.
回复 :Way beyond Cocteau and Disney, this decidedly queer and sexually explicit version of the timeless fairytale La belle et la bête finds a twink Beauty in the candle-lit dungeon of a kink Beast.