莓视A daring portrait of a middle-aged disabled man in pursuit of intimacy.
莓视A daring portrait of a middle-aged disabled man in pursuit of intimacy.
回复 :这是香港70年代的典型武打搞笑片。老千邓国文(许冠文 饰)经常出入于监狱,狱中无聊时,他经常会表演一些自己的千术以资同仓的犯人解闷。犯人刘俊杰(许冠杰 饰)对国文的千术十分佩服,希望出狱后能和他一起合作挣大钱。国文并没有答应,因为老千一般都独来独往。两人出狱后,俊杰组织了一帮老千和国文对赌,国文通过一早买通在场的舞女佩佩将他们击败。俊杰更加佩服国文,再次提出两人合作。国文抵不住他的死缠烂打,终于应承了。两人计划向城中恶霸大哥全下手,为了筹集赌资,他们还参加了电视台的有奖游戏,国文凭借聪明的头脑顺利的赢下了奖金。和大哥全对赌的日子到了。
回复 :From Oscar-nominated director Dan Krauss, The Anthrax Attacks tells the story of the 2001 anthrax attacks on the United States and one of the largest and most complex FBI investigations in the history of law enforcement. Using a combination of interviews and scripted reenactments based on emails and FBI field notes, the documentary feature also shares shocking and heartbreaking stories from investigators, survivors and the families of those who were infected. Starring Clark Gregg as Dr. Bruce Ivins, The Anthrax Attacks is a BBC Studios Production.
回复 :巴黎《查理周刊》袭击三天后,也是父亲去世40天,拉里,四十岁的医学博士要在周六参加一次家庭聚会,共同纪念亡者。然而,事情的展开却与预料中不同。被迫面对恐惧与过去,而不得不重新审视自己在家庭中的位置,他开始讲述自己那部分真相。