回复 :香港法证部高级化验师高安(黄浩然饰)、法医科高级医生闻家希(李施嬅饰)、西九龙重案组高級督察郭辉煌(谭俊彦饰),这「灭罪铁三角」带领着精英团队,用专业的法证科学,揭示惊人的预谋策划;用精密的法医知识,破解隐蔽的人体密码;用严谨的执法精神,披露震撼的罪恶真相!热血记者徐意(汤洛雯饰),童年憾事竟与高安紧扣牵连;法证专才水慧明(陈炜饰),遭至爱背叛顿成杀人疑凶;警队精英高靖(朱晨丽饰),锲而不舍追寻亲人被诱拐真相......谜团奇案,重重交错;冷血凶徒,幕幕惊心!人在做,天在看!「灭罪铁三角」坚守「邪不胜正,恶不抵善」的信念,誓为死者发声,替生者雪冤!
回复 :Devastated by the loss of her fifteen year old son, Kevin, at the 1989 FA Cup semi-final between Liverpool and Nottingham Forest, Anne Williams fights for the truth about the tragedy. Standing along side other parents who lost children in the match and refusing to believe the official investigation results, Anne seeks her own evidence in a relentless quest for justice.
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