惊心In an island, a young couple, Violet and Peter, offers a sex swap with fellow guest Olivia, a hot lesbian. What starts as a mutually-beneficial deal turns rough and tumble when Peter demands more than what he bargained for.
惊心In an island, a young couple, Violet and Peter, offers a sex swap with fellow guest Olivia, a hot lesbian. What starts as a mutually-beneficial deal turns rough and tumble when Peter demands more than what he bargained for.
回复 :Christine (Sandy McLeod), a bright and unassuming young woman, takes a job selling tickets at a porno theater near Times Square. Instead of distancing herself from the dark and erotic nature of this milieu, Christine soon develops an obsession that begins to consume her life. The character’s reaction unexpectedly flips normal gender roles; director Gordon daringly twists feminist ideology by showing a woman who finds self-expression through an interest in pornography. Variety becomes even more provocative when it dramatizes the changes that occur in Christine’s relationships with both Mark (Will Patton), her boyfriend, and Louie, a dangerous-looking patron of the theater.
回复 :垂拱年间,一场匪夷所思连环杀人案搅得洛阳城内人心惶惶,受害的多为一对男女,凶手行踪神出鬼没,没有留下丝毫线索,民间传闻这是上天要惩罚天后颠鸾倒凤。崔公公受命彻查,但一直没有结果,大臣进谏让狄仁杰一试。狄仁杰虽然和天后政见不同,但事关黎民疾苦,最终接受了天后的安排,限期破案,否则他将作为“凶手”去承担这件风波的罪责。起初狄仁杰被要求破案的同时不得离开牢房,狄仁杰明白天后的用意,应允下来,同时向天后索取了两个对自己照顾有加的牢头作为帮手,狄仁杰被移出了原来的牢房,关押在一个能从四周看见洛阳全城的塔楼之上,在新的监牢中他见到了等候多时的“眼睛”——心腹崔公公。狄仁杰通过崔公公的描述很快还原了凶杀的现场,认为这是预谋性极强且带有特殊含义的诅咒式连环命案,死者死法一致且凶手借尸体完成某种影响他人运势的仪式。就在狄仁杰和崔公公查案未果的时候,洛阳城内又发生了一起...
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