回复 :约瑟夫L.曼凯维奇编导的灵异文艺片经典作,获1948年奥斯卡最佳摄影奖提名!吉恩·蒂尔尼饰演一名个性倔强的寡妇,在她丈夫亡故后坚持带着女儿独立生活,并且偏偏要搬入一家鬼屋居住。此屋原来真是有个船长的幽灵居住其中,船长因意外窒息死亡而 被人传为自杀,心有不甘,乃继续占住旧居,希望可以“扮鬼”将人唬走。不料寡妇未但没有被唬走,还在船长的 幽灵协助下成为畅销小说家。可惜她后来提早掉入花心作家的圈套而跟船长分手,直至她年老逝世的一刻两人才破镜重圆。这部人鬼恋的故事拍得既风趣又浪漫,男女主角个性鲜明,形成了相当吸引人的戏剧张力。雷克斯·哈里森饰演的船长和当时为童星的纳塔利·伍德饰演的女儿都表现精彩,摄影与配乐亦有很高的水准。
回复 :Young couple Madeleine and Neil are coaxed by acquaintance Monsieur Beaumont to get married on his Haitian plantation. Beaumont's motives are purely selfish as he makes every attempt to convince the beautiful young girl to run away with him. For help Beaumont turns to the devious Legendre, a man who runs his mill by mind controlling people he has turned into zombies. After Beaumont uses Legendre's zombie potion on Madeleine, he is dissatisfied with her emotionless being and wants her to be changed back. Legendre has no intention of doing this and he drugs Beaumont as well to add to his zombie collection. Meanwhile, grieving 'widower' Neil is convinced by a local priest that Madeleine may still be alive and he seeks her out.
回复 :As the staff of Good Friends Church Camp prepares for a spring break filled with "Fun Under the Son", a demon logger rises from his sap boiler to wreak his vengeance and feast on flapjacks soaked in the blood of his victims.@www.molikan.com