回复 :In an intensely personal and often surprising film for BBC Two, Depression And Me, Alastair Campbell explores if radical new treatments can stop his depression.Campbell is best known for his role as Tony Blair’s formidable and often contentious spin doctor but, away from the public eye, he has been dogged by crippling bouts of depression for most of his life. Some days, just getting out of bed is too hard. Therapy and anti-depressant medication is helping him keep his head above water - but is that really the best he can hope for?Alastair Campbell says: “I’ve been on antidepressants for years and years and none of them can stop it. I want to understand my depression and find out if modern science has any better ways of treating it. I’m hoping there’s something out there that can help me lead a happier life.“I feel we are nearing a tipping point in the battle to demolish the stigma and taboo surrounding mental illness and TV is a very good medium for bringing these issues right out into the open. I have never regretted being open about my own issues but an important part of this film is also seeing my depression through the eyes of members of my family, especially my partner Fiona. I was also keen to get out there and find out what kind of progress was being made on the scientific and research front. There is a lot going on. My worry is that we are winning the battle for better awareness but losing the battle for the services we need."I was very pleased with the reaction to the film in Sheffield [at Doc/Fest]. One film alone cannot change the world but there is finally the focus on these issues that we need and hopefully one day we will have services to match.”
回复 :影片深入太空,了解小行星及其宇宙起源的迷人之处、以及它们对地球的潜在威胁。介绍了小行星科学家——他们是让地球免于被小行星毁灭性撞击的最佳防线,电影同时也展示了用来探测和追踪小行星的前沿工具和技术,以及有朝一日将守护地球的先进科技。小行星撞击产生的影响是灾难性的,虽然在我们有生之年小行星撞击发生的概率很低,但其可能的后果还是令小行星研究成为一个极其重要的科学研究领域。带领观众一同见证行星防御的最新发展,了解人类如何凭借科学、创造力和决心,探索应对世界上最可防御的自然灾难。
回复 :帮助叔叔经营缝纫机店的青年茂吉(瓦伦·达瓦 Varun Dhawan 饰)乐观开朗,似乎特别乐意取悦他人。在叔叔儿子的婚礼上,茂吉嬉皮笑脸,哗众取宠,这令他的妻子玛姆塔(安努舒卡·莎玛 Anushka Sharma 饰)倍感羞耻和伤心。回到家后,玛姆塔闷闷不乐,以泪洗面,她劝丈夫利用自己裁剪方面的技能自力更生,不要屈辱求存。茂吉不愿重走裁缝爷爷昏暗的老路,可是他似乎也无法再忍受叔叔他们的戏谑。终于在一次争吵后,茂吉愤而辞职。偏偏此时,母亲一病不起。在妻子的鼓励下,茂吉不再踌躇,他决定经营自己的裁缝摊,从一点一滴做起。一直忙于家务的夫妻二人,也借此机会贴近彼此……