黄色A retired couple deeply in debt try to win a rock dance competition.A minister is suspected of tax fraud. A teenager makes the acquaintance of a pervert.
黄色A retired couple deeply in debt try to win a rock dance competition.A minister is suspected of tax fraud. A teenager makes the acquaintance of a pervert.
回复 :Jack Hammond(Charlie Sheen饰)在监狱中被判死刑,他感到既害怕,又委屈,他不想就这样结束自己的生命。幸运的是,他成功地从监狱中逃了出来。为了摆脱警方的追捕,他绑架了一位叫Natalie Voss(Kristy Swanson饰)的女孩,并上了她的白色轿车,一心想开离人们的视线。不巧的是,Jack绑架的女个女孩恰巧是全美最富有的人Dalton Voss(Ray Wise饰)的独生女儿,一时间,Jack成了每个电视频道竞相追踪报道的对象。打开电视机,每个频道都在播放Jack开着的那辆白色轿车,汽车的后面,新闻报道直升机、新闻采访车、警方直升机、警车始终不离不弃地追着他,同时,每一个高速公路上都有监视器,Jack陷入了尴尬的境地。如果他放弃逃亡,等待他的是死刑,如果他继续坚持逃亡,也不知从哪里逃走……
回复 :Two art thieves have stolen the famous "Black Square" of Russian painter Kasimir Malevich. They plan to meet their clients on a cruise ship to hand over the looted art. However, things are not going quite as planned..
回复 :鬼怪電影一向都是以驚嚇觀眾為目的,導演陳家蓀卻反其道而行,雖起用一向演奸人為主的石堅任主角,但角色卻是好心鬼簡人。這好心鬼不獨與男孩小吉(梁俊傑)結成好友,更幫助小吉的父親阿祖(狄龍)及母親美琪(蕭芳芳),讓他們得以冷靜處理面臨破裂的婚姻,再發覺仍互相深愛著對方。在小吉的折衷及簡人暗中幫助下,小吉父母終告復合,小吉再獲父母之愛,幸福地生活下去,而簡人亦功成身退,悄然與小吉道別……