回复 :阴冷诡异的半岛医院,夜深人静时分,灯光闪烁昏暗,在该医院供职的马护士(杨青 饰)意外惨死电梯间,掀开了一连串恐怖和诡异事件的序幕。院长林思远的儿子林飞(蓝正龙 饰)英俊帅气,早年在国外求学,回国后在半岛医院外科担任医生,并与美丽的女护士白洁(周秀娜 饰)相恋,既让人羡慕又遭人忌恨。外科张主任(罗伯特琳 饰)因论文涉嫌剽窃保守苛责,他怀疑林飞暗中使坏,不久自己也如马护士一般落入了本不存在的地下第十八层,走出电梯后他精神失常,坠楼而亡。曾与之争吵的林飞自然受到怀疑,而时刻逡巡在医院内的鬼影搅动着所有人的神经。伴随死亡,真相逐渐揭开……本片根据网络小说《地下十八层》改编。
回复 :At a fashionable dinner party in Hong Kong a naval officer is coaxed into revealing details of a dream in which eight persons take off from Bangkok in a Dakota bound for Tokyo and crash in the Japanese mountains. Amongst those listening is Air Marshal Hardie who is due to fly to Tokyo the next day. Hardie initially dismisses the dream because he is scheduled to fly out in a Liberator, but as Hardie arrives at the airport he discovers that the Liberator has developed mechanical problems and has been replaced by a Dakota. When, just before the flight is due to depart, two soldiers board the plane making a complement of eight, Hardie fears that the Dream may be coming true and he is destined to die.
回复 :居住在德里,以卖枪为生的社会青年索努.迪力一向得意于自己坑蒙拐骗的本领,然而突如其来的恋爱却唤起了他回归正道的念头。在他想要退出江湖时,一位质朴的警察来了,在他的威胁之下,索努被迫作为警方线人深入德里枪支贸易的最深处,从黑暗走向更深的黑暗……他能否全身而退?他的爱情会被谎言所断送吗?警方看似正义的行动背后有什么秘密?这次卧底之行从他的身上带走的,会是良知,爱情,羁绊,还是生命?