星辰A psychological thriller, based on true events that occurred, following two female students to New York. As they arrive at their rental home, 625 River Rd, a chain of mysterious events take place that are still unsolved to this day.
星辰A psychological thriller, based on true events that occurred, following two female students to New York. As they arrive at their rental home, 625 River Rd, a chain of mysterious events take place that are still unsolved to this day.
回复 :When the all-star player of the local high school football team collapses during practice, all eyes turn to the storied head coach. Instead of mollifying the situation, the coach tries to maintain the team's winning streak. The town turns against him, leading to a lawsuit from the player's mother.
回复 :纽约附近城岛的监狱看守文斯(安迪·加西亚 Andy Garcia 饰)瞒着老婆乔伊斯(朱丽安娜· 玛格丽丝 Julianna Margulies 饰)到城里上表演课,梦想成为一名演员。乔伊斯瞒着文斯抽烟,女儿和儿子也都有自己的大小秘密,一家人各自为政。有一天文斯发现新转来的犯人汤尼(史蒂文·斯崔特 Steven Strait 饰)竟是自己遗弃二十多年的儿子。文斯把汤尼带回了家,向所有人隐瞒了事实,希望能利用假释好好照顾这个儿子,让他重返正途。与此同时,在表演课同学莫莉(艾米莉·莫迪默 Emily Mortimer 饰)的鼓励下,文斯参加了一次重要的电影角色面试,没想到这却引起了乔伊斯的误会,造成了家庭危机大爆发……本片获纽约曼哈顿特里贝卡(Tribeca)电影节观众票选奖。
回复 :20世纪30年代,英国某女子教会寄宿学校。这里校风极其严格,女孩们被要求墨守成规,不允许有任何堕落和消极的思想。而游泳队的教师G小姐(伊娃·格林 Eva Green 饰)显得如此与众不同,她个性张扬,思想开放,鼓励学生努力追求自身的欲望。在女孩们的眼中,G小姐是如此迷人。不久,来自西班牙的贵族小姐费雅玛·科罗纳(玛利亚·瓦沃德 María Valverde 饰)转学至此,她高雅尊贵的气质和亲切友善的性格令女孩们甚为倾倒,甚至G小姐也喜欢上这个出身豪门却有着独立思想的女孩。然而费雅玛的处事态度渐渐令G小姐感到矛盾与困惑,曾经是中心人物的女孩黛·拉斯菲尔德(朱诺·坦普尔 Juno Temple 饰)也心生嫉妒……本片根据女作家谢拉·科勒(Sheila Kohler)的同名小说改编。