回复 :宫本(池松壮亮 饰)是个职场菜鸟,在恋爱和工作上都十分笨拙,一直烦恼著自己在社会上生存的意义。直到某日,和靖子(苍井优 饰)一见锺情后,他的人生终于露出一线曙光,稳定的日子过没多久,却突然发生了一件大事,彻底的改变了他们,让靖子和宫本的关係降到了冰点,宫本要如何做才能巩固这份得来不易的爱情呢?
回复 :女友离去,乐队解散,失意的摇滚乐手乔塔(Nancho Novo 饰)决定从桥上跳下结束自己的生命。正在这时,一辆失控的摩托车从身后急速驶来,撞破护栏摔在桥下的沙滩上。乔塔急忙跑去营救,发现这名女性车手(Emma Suárez 饰)在剧烈的撞击之下丧失了记忆。鬼使神差之下乔塔谎称对方名叫丽莎,而自己则是她的男朋友。伤愈之后乔塔带着丽莎来到红松鼠度假区疗养,他小心编织着自认为天衣无缝的谎言,却没留神发现自己堕入一个深不见底的谜局……本片荣获1993年戛纳电影节外语片青年奖。
回复 :The exploits of three young Roman criminals are chronicled in this socially conscious drama. The young men commit petty crimes all day begin with arms theft, and culminating with a night with three streetwalkers. After their pleasure, the boys try to cheat the hookers, but they ladies are smarter than that and have stolen their cash ahead of time. The punks then return to the city for more crimes. Exploits include the harassment of three homosexuals, and attempts to seduce some women.