草久Remake of the 1982 slasher classic Slumber Party Massacre.
草久Remake of the 1982 slasher classic Slumber Party Massacre.
回复 :故事讲述宇航员任务期间突发意外,伤病严重无法支撑返回地球治疗。情急之下,一名女外科医生临危受命,亲身飞赴空间站展开救援行动。时间有限,巨大的困难与挑战下,一场零重力下的极限救援即将上演!影片为人类首部太空实拍电影。
回复 :加州沙漠的甜水监狱,在一群疯狂的犯人观众之中,监狱拳王蒙罗•哈金(韦斯利•斯奈普斯 Wesley Snipes 饰)再一次击败了他的对手。哈金曾是一名拳手,因杀人被判终身监禁,他凭借出色的拳击技术,在监狱之间的拳击联赛中蝉联十年冠军。此时,重量级拳击冠军“冰人”乔治•钱伯斯(文•瑞姆斯 Ving Rhames 饰)因强奸罪被起诉,被收押在甜水监狱。监狱众人认为蒙罗和冰人之间必有一战,阅拳手无数的狱中拳赛安排者——雷顿开始筹划两人的比赛。冰人坚称自己并未犯罪,利用自己拳王的影响力在狱中向监狱长施压,同时不忘挑衅蒙罗这种他根本看不上眼的狱中拳手。蒙罗在和冰人的对峙中尽落下风,早早就被监狱方面关入了单人牢房,二人的决战,似乎已不可避免……
回复 :There isn't much crime in Stoneleigh, Massachusetts, a college town, a mountain getaway for the quietly rich. So when Edward Inman, owner of Stoneleigh Sentinel security, gets a late-night alarm from the home of one of his wealthiest clients, Doyle Cutler, he does a routine check and thinks nothing more of it—until a local student claims that she was sexually assaulted that night at Cutler’s house.Edward soon finds himself drawn into the girl's story, and his investigation leads him to his old girlfriend, whose teenage son may know the truth about what happened that night. Security is a timely, wry, and riveting story of adults and children, secret lives and civic culture, suspicion and sexual hysteria.