回复 :After a group of telemarketers get fired by their penny-pinching boss, they take revenge by stealing the company's list of clients to start up their own firm. In the heat of celebration and a few drinks in, they lose the phone which holds the only copy of their future costumers. While tracking the lost device on Halloween night, co-workers Amber and Will find themselves trapped in a demented drug addict's house of horrors.
回复 :乡田飞鸟(吉田羊 饰)是一名甜点师,经营着一家甜品店。已经四十岁的她不仅将自己的私人生活打理的井井有条,店内的大小事务亦手到擒来不在话下,但唯独感情这一块依旧是空缺的状态,这究竟是为什么呢?花田圣矢(野村周平 饰)是在店内工作的实习甜点师,他非常的尊敬以及敬佩比自己年长五岁的飞鸟,随着时间的推移,这种尊敬的感情渐渐转变成为了爱慕,最终,圣矢无法压抑自己内心的感情,向飞鸟告白了。然而,飞鸟并不能坦然的接受这份真挚的感情,她并非对圣矢没有好感,而是五年前,在一场失败的恋爱中她做出了自己都无法原谅自己的错误选择。
回复 :本片由申江导演兼编剧,拍于1971年,主角是侠女施恩及也正也邪的罗烈。故事描述,元朝统一天下后,元人将宋丞相打入天牢,屡次诱劝其归顺,亦借机将抗元义士一网打尽。义士白鸭儿拯救途上,遇着乐何如,邀共同救国,但乐自认跟从白为图美色,救国非少数人所能为,拒绝后旋即逸去……