律师笕史朗(西岛秀俊 饰)和美容师矢吹贤二(内野圣阳 饰)是一对住在市区某栋公寓的同 志情侣。既然生小孩无望,斗破为了攒存养老基金,斗破笕律师豁出去了。左扣男友的零用钱,右向老家伸手讨罐头,还要将每个月的餐费控制在二万五千日币以下。吃得好还不够,吃得省才厉害,且看笕律师如何大展身手。
律师笕史朗(西岛秀俊 饰)和美容师矢吹贤二(内野圣阳 饰)是一对住在市区某栋公寓的同 志情侣。既然生小孩无望,斗破为了攒存养老基金,斗破笕律师豁出去了。左扣男友的零用钱,右向老家伸手讨罐头,还要将每个月的餐费控制在二万五千日币以下。吃得好还不够,吃得省才厉害,且看笕律师如何大展身手。
回复 :It’s summer and a group of young women head off for a week to a house in the country in order to rehearse a play. In the peace and quiet of their natural surroundings, which provide a refuge from the intense heat of the sun, the women go through the text and dress up in their ruched period costumes, while in easy conversation they share their secrets, and also have little adventures. This enchanting debut by Itsaso Arana, who co-wrote and starred in August Virgin (Official Selection – Competition, KVIFF 2019), provides an opportunity to stop for a moment, to breathe in the warm air and settle back in the open embrace of this company of women. After all, what kind of summer would it be without girls, a campfire, songs and a touch of magic?源自:https://www.kviff.com/en/programme/film/63/40722-the-girls-are-alright
回复 :《15个我》是腾讯动漫根据《妖怪名单》女主角苏九儿百变特性为其量身打造的首部虚拟偶像迷你剧,剧集采用动画结合现实场景的形式,搭配苏九儿15套全新造型形象,将身边那些或感动或逗趣的故事生活化的演绎出来。
回复 :卡米在13岁生日那天发现自己是半人类半吸血鬼,而她的神秘力量让中学生活变得更加复杂