松岛Follows Roscoe, a seedy motel maintenance man, after discovering some powerful hallucinogenic worms he meets Benny, They fall in love making worms together before embarking on an odyssey of sex and violence.
松岛Follows Roscoe, a seedy motel maintenance man, after discovering some powerful hallucinogenic worms he meets Benny, They fall in love making worms together before embarking on an odyssey of sex and violence.
回复 :Now come into his full knowledge and power, the Anti-Christ in the body of Damien Thorne is about to strike his final blow. The Christ-child has been born again, on the Angel Isle, Great Britain (Scotland, England & Wales). The plan is simple, kill the Christ child to prevent him from growing up to bring the return of Christ and death of the Anti-Christ.
回复 :澳大利亚惊悚片,看着窗外缓缓变换的景色,彤恩的眼神略带焦虑,因为她刚犯下一宗伤害案,身后还引来一名男子的调查与追缉,她带着女儿驾车逃往偏远的山区,在当地旅馆躲了起来。母女俩待在这与世隔绝的小小世界,享受难得的相处机会,然而当紧追在后的男子出现,却将拆散两人仅有的世界。
回复 :许多乘客挤上长途巴士四十四,其中一名男青年(吴超 饰)因眉宇间流露出特别气质,引起女巴士司机(龚蓓苾 饰)的注意,两人简单交谈几句后,巴士启动驶上一条偏僻公路。路上,巴士遭遇歹徒(李易祥 饰),歹徒不仅将乘客票款抢劫一空,还胁迫司机到路边荒草地中欲施强暴,对此,除男青年之外的所有乘客都无动于衷 。男青年在动员无效后,独身冲到车下要求歹徒放过司机,反被刺中一刀,女司机没能幸免。被放回车后,司机继续开车,并将挺身而出的男青年赶下。之后男青年又搭上一辆私家越野车,途中被一辆警车超过,男青年更加关心女司机的命运……