回复 :They come from all over the world but they have one thing in common: The Foreign Legion, their new family. The film tells their stories: of women struggling to keep their love alive, men who leave for battle, and couples forming on hostile ground.
回复 :本片以大学生“村官”陈大毛创建梨乡风情酥梨生态园为故事背景,以陈大毛和林静、姜丽娟之间的爱情矛盾为主线,讲述了陈大毛为酥梨之乡探索科学致富的创业历程和感情纠葛……
回复 :Phil enjoys watching his wife Diane using her killer looks to seduce men they don't know. Diane is also thrilled by her actions, knowing that she's fulfilling her husband's voyeuristic pleasures. When she meets Mickey, she discovers that he is a man who follows no rules but his own. The games of seduction become more and more perverse, and dangerous.