回复 :影片主人公聂明秋苦寻突然消失的挚爱楚瑾柔,最终得知的真相,却是诀别的答案。影片以亲情与爱情为主线,展现挚爱的两个人,因误解和善意的隐瞒而造成的悲剧情节;倡导每个人在所处的社会关系中,应该坦诚以待、携手共进面对困难、对人友爱和睦等价值观念。影片呈现方面,演员表演层次丰富细腻,情绪张力足、台词功底及对角色塑造的表现好,成为本片的亮点,让故事深入人心,将亲情、爱情、兄弟情的真挚情感展现的淋漓尽致。
回复 :米奇(罗伯特·德尼罗 Robert De Niro 饰)和特瑞(艾迪·墨菲 Eddie Murphy 饰)是一对个性迥异的搭档,前者沉默寡言稳重可靠,后者幽默健谈爱出风头。一次任务中,米奇精心设计的行动被特瑞的多嘴多舌给搅黄了,米奇的心中燃烧着怒火,又被随之而来的记者骚扰,忍无可忍的他逃出了枪,击碎了摄像机镜头。米奇的粗暴举动在业界掀起了轩然大波,电视制作人切斯(蕾妮·罗素 Rene Russo 饰)发现了其中的商机,她提议拍摄一档关于警局日常的节目,为了挽回声望,局长同意了切斯的提议,而米奇和特瑞则成为了节目的嘉宾。对于米奇来说,这种抛头露面的活动简直就是苦差事,而对于特瑞来说,这是他功成名就的好机会。
回复 :One hundred and ten years after its namesake’s fateful journey, the Titanic III’s maiden voyage will land at the original site of the wreck. Although a faithful replica of the original, this mammoth cruise ship is built with the most advanced technology, ensuring that it has no chance of sinking.However, when the Titanic III arrives at the tragic site, strange events begin to occur, as dark forces from the deep rise to the surface, terrorising all aboard and threatening to repeat one of history’s greatest disasters.