本片是特吕弗著名的“安托万系列”的第三部,强奸但影迷通常忽视短片《Antoine et Colette》误将其认作第二部。23岁的Antoine Doinel(Jean-Pierre Léaud 让-皮埃尔•李奥)从军队逃出后,强奸虽侥幸逃脱惩罚,却因殴打警察入狱,不良记录对 他找工作造成妨碍,他先后做过旅店守门人、私家侦探等职业。过程中,安托万联系上了昔日女友克里斯汀。两人的感情暧昧而不确定。而按客户要求混进一家鞋店盯梢风情万种的老板娘时,他又将其迷上,感情的天平开始在两个女人之间摇摆。
本片是特吕弗著名的“安托万系列”的第三部,强奸但影迷通常忽视短片《Antoine et Colette》误将其认作第二部。23岁的Antoine Doinel(Jean-Pierre Léaud 让-皮埃尔•李奥)从军队逃出后,强奸虽侥幸逃脱惩罚,却因殴打警察入狱,不良记录对 他找工作造成妨碍,他先后做过旅店守门人、私家侦探等职业。过程中,安托万联系上了昔日女友克里斯汀。两人的感情暧昧而不确定。而按客户要求混进一家鞋店盯梢风情万种的老板娘时,他又将其迷上,感情的天平开始在两个女人之间摇摆。
回复 :三度诱惑风流成性的富翁孙某留下遗嘱,订明遗产五千万归儿子大民和大为,但条件是长子大民必须在三十岁前结婚,否则遗产一半将发捐慈善基金,另一半则赠予堂叔孙万财。大民是大专讲师,为人正直内向,经常慨叹世风日下,对追求女性裹足不前,碍于大民的木讷,张小姐苦无机会吐露爱意,一位新邻居空姐玛格莉迁进大民兄弟隔壁,常故意亲近二人,原来是孙万财聘请来阻延大民找对象的,但大民未为所动,反而大为却与她发生关系,不忍从中作梗,遂自动失踪。三度诱惑大民三十岁生日在即,突遭绑架,匪帮误将张小姐一并掳走,大为等急如锅上蚁,玛格莉再度出现孙家,说出真相,众人急谋对策。大为奋不顾身冲入贼巢,发现大民与张小姐竟然……
回复 :儿女们都大了,各自成家。父亲周吉(笠智众饰)和老伴(东山千荣子饰)要去东京看望他们,老两口带着愉快心情上路。可另一边,还没等他们到大儿子家,孙子就因为爷爷奶奶到来腾地方哭闹不停。老人开始觉得尴尬,大儿子幸一(山村聪饰)在东京当医生,二女儿繁(杉村春子饰)在东京开美容店,二儿媳纪子(原节子饰),小女儿京子(香川京子饰)外,大阪还有三子敬三。东京让老人陌生,在儿女家也好不到哪去。大儿子工作繁忙,没时间带他们出去玩。搬到女儿家,依旧每日困守且有矛盾。老两口渐渐也明白儿女们的处境,他们在东京的老友也过得不好。只有守寡的儿媳纪子对老人很是孝顺。之后老人踏上回家的路,前后不过十天……
回复 :Anna is 60 and her acting heyday is now behind her. She lives on her own but has a friend and confidant in her downstairs neighbour Michel, who is also single. Reluctantly, Anna accepts a job as a language coach for 17-year-old Adrian who has a speech impediment and is something of a misfit. She recognises him as the boy who recently snatched her handbag in the street ... “Irresistible” is the term that springs to mind when describing this light-footed and humorous story of an impossible love affair between a thief and a lady. Director Nicolette Krebitz handles the fragile balance between the dictates of society and the heart with great care. The fresh breath of freedom blows through a narrative that makes room for a nod to old West Berlin, some gentle teasing of Germany’s French neighbours, and even a ghost that is chased away to make way for new possibilities. But most of all, A E I O U is a passionate love letter to Sophie Rois and, perhaps through her, all the brilliant actors neglected by an industry all too fond of young blood. Well, it turns out that these young players, embodied here by newcomer Milan Herms, not only look up to their more experienced peers, they truly love them.