睡沙Paris, August: Driven by his lust, Richard O. explores the sinuous mysteries of eroticism and the women who populate the summer months.
睡沙Paris, August: Driven by his lust, Richard O. explores the sinuous mysteries of eroticism and the women who populate the summer months.
回复 :Based on a same-name 2013 short from Higginson, Relax follows Casper (Darby), a charming, but embarrassingly underprepared time traveler, now trapped in the past. When he befriends Holly (Graham), a jaded drifter, she helps him exploit his trivial knowledge of the future for a series of quick payouts, oblivious to the consequences they have set in motion. When tracked down by a more competent time traveler, Casper and Holly are forced to figure out what they mean to each other and whether the future they’ve threatened is even worth saving. Will they embrace their fate, or do they have the courage to change it?
回复 :所有的一切,都开始于上一集故事的结局处,随即就以旋风般的姿态展开了一场全新的血雨腥风……看起来安静从容但暴躁易怒的玛丽贝丝(丹妮尔·哈丽丝饰)正坐在一艘陷在路易斯安那州的沼泽地的小木船里,强烈的求生欲望让她拼了命地想逃离这里,就为了能够从丑陋且以沼泽为家的杀人狂维克托·克罗利(凯恩·霍德尔饰)的魔掌中重获自由--维克托不但杀死了玛丽贝丝的全部家人,还包括其他来这里度假的人,本来他们是想在这个位于新奥尔良的市区之外的沼泽地度过一个愉快的假期的,没想到最终却演变成了一场不折不扣的噩梦。
回复 :財前零子是一名非法的精神分析女醫師,專為名流、VIP客戶進行不受醫界認可的精神治療。她過去因為違法的催眠療法,而被收回醫師執照,是擁有謎樣來歷的神祕美女。許多政界人士皆暗地求診於零子,其中一名患者是下期眾議院選舉的候補人,同時也是前偶像出身的古井理繪。理繪受不明的精神疾病所苦,零子以催眠療法揭開理繪創傷的真相,不過這也讓零子捲入黑暗的陰謀,也漸漸地解除封印已久的魔性……