香蕉p下Aimlessly cruising through his first post-Stanford University summer, 22 year old David Braddock finds himself in China where he meets Mei, an ambitious young girl who urges him to find his life's direction.(From IMDb)
香蕉p下Aimlessly cruising through his first post-Stanford University summer, 22 year old David Braddock finds himself in China where he meets Mei, an ambitious young girl who urges him to find his life's direction.(From IMDb)
回复 :解放前夕的黔北山区,世代流传着养童养媳的畸形婚姻习俗。十八岁的余杏仙(丛珊 饰)嫁给了易家寨六岁的小丈夫易少伟(王隹艺 饰)。他们平日里以姐弟相称,尽管少伟还三天两头尿床尿裤子,但他们在一起十分融洽。婆婆五娘(张伟欣 饰)是个命运坎坷而善良的女人,早早死了丈夫,拉扯着儿子相依为命,至今守寡。杏仙过门后,一家三口过得平平静静。农忙时,五娘的侄子开炳不时来帮工,与开炳的接触中,杏仙心生好感。不久山区解放了,开炳又来到易家,开炳和杏仙也越来越喜欢对方。一生受封建思想荼毒的三嫂(梁彦 饰)察觉此事,便挑唆年幼的少伟与杏仙闹别扭;并鼓动村里人上演“捉奸”的闹剧。平日里懦弱的杏仙挺身而出,当众宣布要与少伟离婚,与开炳结合......
回复 :What could the fate of the Villa Empain, Baron Empain’s crazy project in Brussels, which has gone through a long and eventful journey since its completion in 1934, possibly inspire? Katharina Kastner’s challenge was to draw the portrait of the place, keeping in mind the work of time, like in a human existence. Shot in 16mm, her film appeals to the senses, it captures the stirring of leaves undulating in the garden light, the movement of iridescent pearls, or the colourful games of a piece by Daniel Buren. Without a word, but with a caressing camera, she pays close attention to the hidden patterns on the gorgeous marbles, or to the veins in the most precious types of wood used to decorate the rooms. In slight touches, regardless of the monumental aspect of the 27.000 square-feet villa and the pool that so impressed its first visitors, Katharina Kastner o ers an organic vision of the place, which has been marked by the trials and tribulations of life, and used successively as a museum, an embassy and a squat, until its final renovation. The clever editing makes furtive connections, underlines colour associations, mixes up times and tactile sensations, while the spaces we explore keep rustling. The film takes us on a reminiscing journey, with slices of Empain’s life, from the family archive here on a holiday, there playing on the beach, images from a distant past that keep haunting the premises. The film reveals to us this living space that was designed like a piece of art, but it does so in a wandering way. This dream vision guides us through the villa like an echo of foregone fantasies, a mental space, but also a welcoming backdrop for the work of time. A bit like the fingerprint work we see in the film, or the slight touch of a pencil on a blank sheet.
回复 :小戏骨《洪湖赤卫队》是以王玉珍主演的《洪湖赤卫队》为蓝本改编,讲述1930年湖北沔阳县委为配合红军行动,暂时把赤卫队撤离彭家墩。彭家墩恶霸彭霸天趁红军转移暂离洪湖之际卷土重来。洪湖赤卫队在乡党支部书记韩英和队长刘闯的带领下,与敌人展开了艰苦曲折的斗争。韩英不幸被捕入狱。面对敌人的威逼利诱,韩英始终坚贞不屈。赤卫队最终打回彭家墩,消灭了保安团和地方反动武装,红旗又在洪湖上迎风飘扬。