回复 :讲述明泰(贞贤宇)是在一个证券公司一个炙手可热的人hadeverything从看起来热的物体是一个错误,但他和他的妻子被热拍(Yoo Da Eun)忽略。附近的妇女在家里总是有不同的原因,他开始向外看。莫林(熙官)无辜的人,9尾Avante,狮跑(基姆吉森)和神秘的成因(Jeong So-yeong)。明洞TAE不能品味有染他们就忙。
回复 :桐山零(神木隆之介 饰)是将棋界公认的天才,年仅17岁的他便已经成为了一名职业棋手,在棋盘上打败了无数年长与他许多的对手。实际上,零拥有着悲惨的过去,他的家人们很早之前在一场可怕的车祸中全部去世了,之后,零被父亲的好友收养。养父是一名将棋爱好者,为了让养父开心,零没日没夜的研究着棋谱,却不曾想自己不经意的举动造成了这个家庭的分崩离析。最终,零决定离开养父家独自生活,在他看来,只要不依靠任何人,不和任何产生关联,便不会伤害任何人。然而,善良又热情的川本三姐妹闯入了零的生活,一直讲零视为是自己的宿敌的二海堂晴信(染谷将太 饰)也令零渐渐走出了孤独。
回复 :When vice detective Bob Hightower finds his ex-wife murdered and daughter kidnapped by a satanic cult - Bob is frustrated by bumbling botched official investigations. Bob quits the police force, gets tattoos, and infiltrates the cult to hunt down the charismatic cult leader, Cyrus, with the help of the cult's only female victim escapee, the brilliantly damaged, Case Hardin. Bob is lead down the rabbit hole to save his daughter and Case seizes the opportunity to claim back her power from the cult that took so much away from her.