回复 :阿尼姆斯是男性的偶像,阿尼玛是女性的偶像,一直看着美丽的东西长大的姐姐和弟弟在追求真美的过程中,也是在各自追求彼此的阿尼姆斯和阿尼玛。本片的导演是29岁的唯美派新锐女导演齐藤玲子,受维恩分离画派大师克里姆多的杰作《接吻》启发,制作出这部唯美主义的作品,让有着独特存在感的两位主角很自然地把一对美丽的姐弟演出来。
回复 :十月革命胜利后,新兴的苏维埃政权受到各方敌人的武装干涉。英、日、土耳其等国利用俄国地主、富农阶级扼杀苏维埃政权的本性,在粮食问题上大做文章。同时,国内的白俄势力用能想到的所有手段剌杀列宁,打入敌人内部的马特维耶夫将敌人刺杀列宁的消息转告瓦西里,但由于布哈林的阻挠,列宁还是在工厂演讲结束后,被女特务卡普兰枪击伤害。此时,严重的饥荒笼罩着新生的苏维埃俄国,而俄国的人民则担心着自己受伤的领袖。高尔基来到列宁的床前,他为不久前自己与列宁讨论是否对敌人要仁慈的问题感到内疚。克里姆林宫广场日夜站满了了解列宁病情的群众,当列宁的病情通报传到工人的耳朵里“列宁己经不发烧了”“乌拉”!的喊声震响天边......
回复 :Griffin Dunne’s years-in-the-making documentary portrait of his aunt Joan Didion moves with the spirit of her uncannily lucid writing: the film simultaneously expands and zeroes in, covering a vast stretch of turbulent cultural history with elegance and candor, and grounded in the illuminating presence and words of Didion herself. This is most certainly a film about loss—the loss of a solid American center, the personal losses of a husband and a child—but Didion describes everything she sees and experiences so attentively, so fully, and so bravely that she transforms the very worst of life into occasions for understanding. A Netflix release.