回复 :Taking on from where we left off, Dedh Ishqiya discovers yet another escapade of Khalujan (Naseeruddin Shah) and Babban (Arshad Warsi), a poetic journey underlined with revenge, drama and deception. The Begum (Madhuri Dixit-Nene) of Mahmudabad is hosting a festival of poetry and music in her mansion. The country’s best poets are in town. Khalujan posing as the Nawaab of Chandpur, is participating as a poet in the festival. He is not there merely to show off his poetic wares but to impress the widowed Begum who, as the grapevine suggests, is scouting for a husband -preferably a poet.Babban (Arshad Warsi) arrives in Mahmudabad to take Khalujan back to their old life but his plans change the moment he sets his eyes on Begum’s maid and confidant, Munira alias Muniya (Huma Qureshi), a brash and sexy young woman.Muniya too has plans of her own. She leaves the palace every now and then in a disguise to meet gangsters in dark alleys. The palace is rife with intrigue. The shayari is dropped for the guns, daring chases and hidden intentions. In the end, love triumphs even if the players of the story do not.
回复 :从小一起长大的好兄弟马昊天(刘青云 饰)、张子伟(张家辉 饰)和 苏建秋(古天乐 饰)共同效力于警队扫毒科。在一次临时改变计划的行动后,建秋因为卧底身份不能与妻子(袁泉 饰)过正常生活而心生退意,但在阿天与子伟的劝说下,三人决定进行最后一搏。建秋跟着毒贩老大黑柴(林国斌 饰)前往泰国与毒贩Bobby(卢惠光 饰)进行对接,目的是见到行动的最大目标“八面佛”(卢海鹏 饰),阿天则和子伟以及同事阿益(吴廷烨 饰)进行跟进。由于泰国警方的配合不力导致建秋身份暴露,虽然建秋答应阿天继续把交易完成,但失败的导火索已经埋下。交易当天警方几乎全军覆没,危急之时阿天挟持了八面佛的女儿缅娜(宝儿 饰)准备逃命,八面佛承诺只要还回缅娜阿天可以带走建秋和子伟中的一个,没被选中的则要被推进鳄鱼池,面对抉择阿天及进退两难……
回复 :尼克(提莫西·查拉梅 Timothée Chalamet 饰)从小就是一个人见人爱的乖孩子,他有着美丽白净的外表,活泼开朗的个性和一个聪慧的大脑。学生时代,他很轻松的就获得了不菲的成绩,申请了六家大学均得到了认可,获得了入学资格,每个认识他的人都坚信这位少年有着无量的前途。然而,尼克的命运,从他接触到一种名叫“大麻”的东西开始,就发生了剧烈的变化。这种能够给他带来短暂刺激和幻觉的毒品很快就令尼克深陷其中,之后,不满足的尼克又从大麻转向了病毒,彻彻底底的成为了一名瘾君子。为了戒毒,尼克进过戒毒所,参加过互助会,但这些努力最终还是付之东流。