回复 :Guy is an experienced British fighter pilot who is in command of Britain's first manned mission to space. He has trained for this for three years at the height of the Cold War and now he is alone in space with a malfunctioning capsule. He has limited contact with the UK, some unusual communication with the US and some unorthodox communication with Tyuratam deep in Soviet Russia. Who will help him? Will he make the right choice?
回复 :伦·迈克马科从大城市芝加哥搬到了南部的小城贝农居住,在这里,他体会到了严重而激烈的文化冲突。在这个小镇子里,吵闹的摇滚乐和酒精与跳舞的派对是禁止的。原因是几年前,在当地发生了一件骇人听闻的大事件。五个十几岁的少年,因为晚上出去游玩,遭遇了车祸,全部遇难。所以贝农当地的议 员、牧师和德高望重的名流共同起草了一个法案,禁止年轻人晚上出去聚会,禁止摇滚乐等等。没有人敢于尝试明目张胆地打破禁区,但是来自大城市的伦偏偏要做第一个吃螃蟹的人。在和这种老旧的体制做斗争的时候,伦还和当地牧师的问题不断的女儿艾瑞尔坠入了爱河……
回复 :The story of Aisha Chaudhary and her family.