狠狠Jess who goes to her best friend's wedding in the middle of nowhere, where she will be confronted by her ex, her happily coupled friends from college, and the insecure monster she becomes when she is off the grid.
狠狠Jess who goes to her best friend's wedding in the middle of nowhere, where she will be confronted by her ex, her happily coupled friends from college, and the insecure monster she becomes when she is off the grid.
回复 :十六世纪初,皇后卡丝玲不能生育,英皇亨利八世和卡丝玲离异,另立恩妮为皇后。恩妮有野心,想杀享利八世自立为王。1517年,恩妮的密谋败露了,被享利八世送上断头台。恩妮执行死刑的当晚,亨利八世与第三个妻子祺恩结婚。祺恩在一次外出围猎时,难产死亡,留下一子威尔斯。克伦威尔和大臣们从政治关系的角度考虑,奏请享利迎娶德国杏公主为皇后,亨利不同意。宫中大宴群臣,亨利八世酒性正酣,凯塞琳主动献歌助兴。
回复 :尤尔加和托马斯满怀期待,开车去孤儿院见准备收养的6岁小姑娘。到了那里,他们却发现闹了个乌龙:迎接他们的是一个 12岁的男孩萨沙。孤儿院院长要夫妇俩要么和萨沙在一起待一天,要么永远失去领养女孩的机会。没有征得丈夫托马斯的同意,尤尔加选择了前者。这一天对尤尔加变得异常艰难——这个小男孩萨沙不仅说脏话、偷东西,还抽烟。托马斯还拒绝跟尤尔加说话。渐渐地,萨沙似乎也知道自己不会被收养了。尤尔加答应带他去游乐园玩。当这一天即将结束时,故事里的三个主人公似乎都对于什么是“一家人”有了新的理解。
回复 :David's comfortable world is turned upside down when his birthmother unexpectedly reaches out to him, longing to meet the 18-year-old son she's only held once.