回复 :调查局机动组组长方国辉(刘德华)为人干练嫉恶如仇,与手下对周朝先(梁家辉)经营的电玩场进行监拍时,拿到其经营地下赌场的证据,将其告上法庭,岂料法官被收买,周朝先被判无罪当庭释放。与黑金挂勾的侯部长(李立群)暗中施压,调查局勒令方国辉休假,停止对周朝先的调查。周朝先为进一步控制台湾的政治,在记者会上公开声明要退党参选立法委员,欲与代表党竞选的黑帮老大丁宗树对着干。方国辉沮丧之际,得电视台女记者凌飞(吴辰君)和法务部冯部长的鼓励重回工作岗位,却被丁宗树盯上,欲将他杀死后再嫁祸周朝先,好一石二鸟。
回复 :This film is not about the revolution that changed Ukraine this winter. Not exactly. It rather shows a universal pattern of particular kind of uprisings - those ones that end with bloodshed. At first, the noble endeavor for freedom collides with the dark force of repressive rulers. Then eventually, after much confusion and chaos, the righteous anger of people changes to pure outrage. And when the first casualties on both sides fall, no matter how black and white it seems from outside, the edge between good and bad blurs when one looks from the epicenter of a battle. And finally, all things ablaze.
回复 :甘地热潮正席卷印度全国,其中一个原因可以说是拜本片所赐。本片讲述黑道人物姆纳为了追求一名电台女DJ,讹称自己是大学教授,不惜恶补甘地生平,以便参加电台问答比赛。当他日刨夜刨时,甘地的鬼魂就在他眼前出现,教导他如何以非暴力手段应付人生逆境。在这出黑道人物追女仔的电影中,圣雄甘地的角色几乎由头演到尾,甘地的哲学和精神也贯彻了全片。本片在首都新德里开画一星期后,市政府以该片宣扬甘地追求真理和非暴力抗争,宣布该片可以豁免缴交娱乐税。同样地,印度中部切蒂斯格尔邦也因本片表扬甘地的价值观,具有教育意义,宣扬正面讯息,也给予该片免税的地位。