回复 :37岁的会社职员川口洋平是一个体态臃肿、其貌不扬的宅男,下班后他很少跟同事喝酒吃饭,更多的时候都回到自己的小家,与苦心收集来的上百个娃娃们聊天说话。他精心为娃娃们买来漂亮的衣服,并对此感到分外满足。每到夜深人静时,娃娃们便开心地聊天,而对于这个主人,她们似乎也颇不以为然。某晚,洋平回家的路上见到一个被人丢弃的娃娃。他将娃娃带回家,精心修补后放到了自己的收藏室里。令他想不到的是,这个娃娃是100年前被邪恶的魔术师封印起来的美丽女孩凯瑟琳。洋平最喜欢的娃娃玛丽听了凯瑟琳的自白,似乎心有所感。第二天,玛丽(吉沢明歩 饰)奇迹般地变成了人类……
回复 :美国唐人街由于越南难民的涌入,形势更加复杂。当局对此更为关注和恐惧,遂暗中策划"以华制华"政策。一日,的士司机关志华突遭越青帮袭击,关与同伙准备报仇。当他们赶至越青帮聚集地时,发现对方全已遭毒手。警方接报后将此地包围,关被当成凶手为警方通缉,他只好潜返香港暂避。美警方追至香港,关再陷杀机之中。关从律师口中得知此乃政治阴谋。由于关的机智勇猛,越青帮没能奈何他,却捉走他的妻儿作人质迫他投降。关在澳门与越青帮交换人质时爆发了一场血战,他虽救出了妻儿,但料到今后的日子仍将陷于荆棘之中。
回复 :In 2015, Spanish environmentalists posted a video showing a dolphin trainer mistreating animals at the dolphinarium in Mallorca. It prompted an international scandal, because the trainer in question was José Luis Barbero, who had just been appointed as vice president at the prestigious Georgia Aquarium in Atlanta in the US. Barbero had a reputation as a visionary trainer who, over the decades, radically changed the world of dolphin shows. This is a man who demands everything of himself, his staff and his animals. Was the video an indictment of the entire system or a deliberate attempt to destroy the reputation of one person?Two worlds collide in The Last Dolphin King. On one side stands the lucrative entertainment industry, which treats intelligent animals as valuable commodities. On the other are the animal rights activists who launch an all-out attack on the man and the sector he represents. When Barbero is reported missing, we discover that his past is as complex as his personality. Eyewitnesses describe a man who was increasingly trapped in an industry without a future.