回复 :MAMMA + MAMMA is the story of two women who love each other and of their desire to have a child together. Karole and Ali still don't know that the enthusiasm of this first attempt will be followed by many vicissitudes, but when the desire becomes stronger than the pain and fatigue, miracles can happen.
回复 :《英雄黄骅》再现了1941年至1943年黄骅在冀鲁边区建立抗日根据地,领导军民奋勇抗日,最后为国捐躯的事迹。著名演员高曙光饰演英雄黄骅,青年演员肖茵饰演黄骅的妻子顾兰青。黄骅原名黄金山,15岁参加革命,逐步成长为与陈赓、宋任穷、韦国清等同时期的红军特科战线骨干。1941年4月任115师教导六旅旅长,同年夏天调往冀鲁边军区任司令员。1943年6月30日,叛徒冯冠魁假借汇报工作之名,将在新青县大赵村正在召开侦查会议的黄骅同志残忍杀害。为此聂荣臻同志亲笔题写了“黄骅烈士永垂不朽”的纪念碑碑文。2009年9月,在全国“双百”人物评选中,黄骅烈士入选湖北省“为新中国成立做出突出贡献的50名荆楚英雄模范人物”。为了纪念黄骅烈士,边区政府于1945年8月决定将新青县正式改名为黄骅县。1989年国务院批准撤县建黄骅市。
回复 :Johnny Z is a horror-action feature film about a half human, half zombie named Johnny who, under the guidance of a martial arts master seeks vengeance on the evil corporation that created him.