受夠父母的16歲少女(程希緹 飾),高中鬼闖入一座詭譎的奇幻遊樂園,高中鬼她表裡不一的爸爸(温昇豪 飾)與別有居心的媽媽(曾珮瑜 飾),這對有名無實的夫妻,竟然被一群詭異少年綁架到樂園裡關起來 ...
受夠父母的16歲少女(程希緹 飾),高中鬼闖入一座詭譎的奇幻遊樂園,高中鬼她表裡不一的爸爸(温昇豪 飾)與別有居心的媽媽(曾珮瑜 飾),這對有名無實的夫妻,竟然被一群詭異少年綁架到樂園裡關起來 ...
回复 :A straight-laced young woman, in fierce denial of being diagnosed with terminal melanoma, finds herself carried away on an impulsive adventure by a queer stranger.
回复 :米其林餐厅如日中天的当红大厨亚当·琼斯(布莱德利·库珀 Bradley Cooper 饰)因浪荡度日,毁了前程。然而受挫的他深信天分并未衰减,于是毅然回到伦敦,卷土重来,找来一群年轻厨师,开一家史无前例的超级餐厅重振雄风。
回复 :The idealistic teacher Ghani loses his principles during an intense day, when he barricades the students in an attempt in saving his working place. A political drama caging the rise and fall of a dictatorship in a classroom.