回复 :该电影讲述了,北宋年间出现了人类历史上第一支官方授权的赏金猎人部队,官称“大将”。大将猫小白(方安娜饰)威名赫赫,实际上却是个武功一塌糊涂,好运爆棚的小女子。而由洪尧饰演神探叶重是一个冷峻孤傲的提刑司判官,和猫小白水火不容。但造化弄人,堪比大宋福尔摩斯与华生的这一对组合,为了断案不得不齐力断金,在诡雨迷云中上演了一段相爱相杀、鸡飞狗跳的爱情。
回复 :John Alexander’s wife, Helen, has left him for her lesbian lover. As she speeds away from their mansion for the last time, her Jaguar explodes and she is killed. As the weeks pass, police detectives begin to suspect Helen’s death to be murder with John as a prime suspect. Still devastated by the loss, John slips into a deep depression until he views a recently made lesbian porn film that appears to feature his dead wife! He becomes obsessed with finding the woman in the film and his search propels him into the sleazy porno underworld of drugs and mobsters, with the police detectives one step behind him.
回复 :A criminal on the run breaks into the home of a high class escort, only to realize nothing is as it seems.