今夜季In the spring of 2009 two Norwegian adventurers, Joshua French and Tjostolv Moland, are accused of killing their hired chauffeur just before crossing into the eastern Congo. The following manhunt starts a political and diplomatic headache.
今夜季In the spring of 2009 two Norwegian adventurers, Joshua French and Tjostolv Moland, are accused of killing their hired chauffeur just before crossing into the eastern Congo. The following manhunt starts a political and diplomatic headache.
回复 :Lucien是法国19世纪的一位充满抱负的年轻诗人。他离乡别井,告别以印刷为生的家族前往巴黎碰碰运气。在这座五光十色的城市裡,Lucien意识到自己来到一个充满谎言,一切以利益主导的世界。在巴尔札克的人间喜剧里,政治、感情、名气、灵魂... 万事也皆可买卖,每名 记者都变成了大作家。Lucien尝试爱,尝试挣扎,尝试在一切幻象中求存。
回复 :Festivities take a back seat as DI Parker investigates the murder of a podcaster. She had been probing the disappearance of a child and claimed to have found new evidence. The missing child has haunted Commissioner Patterson for years.
回复 :在一个西西里岛的小镇,镇长的竞选临近。这个小镇由充满欺诈的Gaetano Patanè领导了多年,他现在准备用各种欺骗的方式再次赢得选举,并保留他的权力。人们已经习惯了政治漩涡和政治交易,只想随波逐流。但是这次镇长竞选的对手是Pierpaolo Natoli,一个50岁诚实正直的教授,这是他的第一次政治经历,充满了信心和理想。当战胜各种逆境后他赢得了选举,立即开小镇法制的新纪元,开始尊敬小镇的新次序。但是Pietrammare的人们是否准备好接受新次序了吗?