回复 :Six Characters is possibly the most highly anticipated Thai film this year, not least of all for its star-studded cast. On a shooting set filled with tension, a nervous director (Mario Maurer) tries to shoot a horror movie. The willful cast of actors is no help. Meanwhile, six strangers suddenly appear who tell their story, explaining that they are the characters of the script left by a dead screenwriter. The director laughs at the strangers at first but eventually begins to get carried away by the compelling family story they tell. Director M.L. Bhandevanov Devakula, who also visited Busan in 2011 with Eternity, is a director who is talented depicting eroticism with intense emotions as well as adaptation as in the Jan Dara series. Six Characters, an adaptation of Italian playwriter Luigi Pirandello′s Six Characters in Search of an Author, spotlights the director’s strengths and vision.
回复 :某五年制高专学校,可爱女孩叶泽里美(长泽雅美 饰)连续一个月旷课,还在制作的机器人上涂鸦。为避免暑期留校补习,她只得遵从机器人部的顾问图师隼人(铃木一真 饰)的安排加入机器人制作组,备战即将到来的机器人竞赛(Robo-Con)。里美所在的小组由天才机器人设计师相田航一(小栗旬 饰)和热情开朗的作战指挥四谷四郎(伊藤淳史 饰)组成,对于这个对机械没有丁点概念的女孩来说,一切都如此陌生,她只得从最简单的机器人操作做起。不久,超过60所高专参加的机器人竞赛来开序幕。未经充分磨合的小组、设计不够完善的作品,里美难忘的夏天就这样开始了……
回复 :在萨尔沃五岁那一年,他的父亲文森佐(马西莫·波波利齐奥 Massimo Popolizio 饰)锒铛入狱。自幼失去了母亲的萨尔沃沦为了孤儿,被姨母所收养,就此开始了形单影只寄人篱下的生活。一晃眼多年过去,文森佐出狱了,此时的萨尔沃早已经不再是他离开时那个什么也不懂的懵懂孩童了,父子之间的感情因为萨尔沃年岁的增长而产生了极大的裂痕。萨尔沃对文森佐的一切都感到困惑和愤怒,但这些声音最终还是化为了沉默。文森佐和萨尔沃要前往意大利南部去完成一个任务,在这段不算顺利的旅途之中,他们终于得到了机会,去审视这段支离破碎的亲子关系,去审视他们各自的内心。