回复 :Elie, a young woman from the city, has come to a remote North Atlantic island. It's the spring thaw, and she is here to convalesce and get to know the community. The annual seal hunt is in full swing, and Elie feels both drawn to and repelled by the men engaged in it. In this isolated world, people's lives and deaths are shaped by the brute forces of nature. Elie's presence arouses curiosity and mistrust. Maria, the village matriarch and den mother, seeks to uncover the secret reason behing Elie's visit. Wolves explores the profound need for belonging.
回复 :日本前任首相东条英机在1945年东京审判时被作为A级战犯判决,同时,在横浜地方法院,战时发令层的B级战犯和作为执行者的C级战犯审判也在进行中,其中包括了曾作为东海军司令官的冈田资中将和19名空袭时被逮捕的部下。在美军首席辩护人的辩护下,棉队法庭,冈田开始讲述战时所发生的事情……
回复 :影片以当前金融危机为背景,描述了大学生牛敞亮因失业而对城市生活感到失望,于是重回乡下老家希望恢复农民身份,引起各方面的连锁反应。最后,在党和政府的帮助下,带领乡亲们走上了创业之路,同时收获了一份朴素而纯美的乡村爱情……