亚洲An alien ship encounters a strange flying object: the Voyager spacecraft. Professor Dr. Georg Friedele wants to teach the aliens about evolution on earth but the more the aliens listen the angrier they turn towards the humans.
亚洲An alien ship encounters a strange flying object: the Voyager spacecraft. Professor Dr. Georg Friedele wants to teach the aliens about evolution on earth but the more the aliens listen the angrier they turn towards the humans.
回复 :Anna is becoming lost in the loneliness of her own world when she discovers she can visit another, a house she has drawn herself and occupied by a young disabled boy. But as she discovers more of the links between her fantasy world and the mundane present, she is drawn only deeper into a dream...
回复 :在20实际80年代初,挪威的石油产业逐渐开始繁荣。当局在北海发现巨大的石油“储存仓”,希望在地下安装500米的管道,把资源引上来唯己使用。皮特(阿卡塞尔·亨涅)刚好是这么一位潜水人才。他痴迷于潜海,敢于接受世界上最危险的任务。但正当他准备执行这项新工作时,一个意外改编了故事的走向。从此,深海探险成为亡命旅程,危险不断靠近,他的生命危在旦夕。
回复 :包工头乔· 里纳尔迪的儿子尼克因闹独立而怠工,两个骗子博比和齐普拉他抢劫马德· 安东尼的电子仪器商店。而这个抢劫案是由当地无赖卡尔一手策划的。乔· 里纳尔迪拥有L 街的产权,市长对他施压,要他拆除。市长急于开发这个地区,是因为检察官对他施加压力,威胁要揭发市政府的腐败现象。黑人市政会成员温派他的亲戚弗兰克林为马德· 安东尼作夜间看守,抢劫电子仪器商店出了差错,弗兰克林抓住了博比和齐普,尼克侥幸逃脱。L 街的黑人小伙子德斯蒙德和蒂托受到坏警察的骚扰。蒂托为了发泄不满,在公园里抢劫了和温的妻子里莎一起工作的教授莱斯……