回复 :Mid-August in Paris (the title is a date: August 15) in a sunny, quiet apartment a young woman talks, thinks, reflects about herself, everyday life and little events in a long, uninterrupted monologue. The camera pictures her and her gestures in long, fixed shots moving around the rooms, the space, the light and shadows of a summer day.
回复 :没有破绽的犯罪手法,查无凶手的连续杀人案…!一桩桩悬案迫使警方与罪犯不得不携手合作,深入命案现场与凶手博弈对决,为死者伸张正义。双雄联手出击的强强对决,却让这场魔鬼交易暗潮汹涌,即将引发另一波更大的致命危机!
回复 :该剧以著名进步民主人士、革命烈士李益闻和共产党员袁宝华、胡子云等革命前辈的感人事迹为原型,生动展现了河南尤其是南阳二十世纪三、四十年代波澜壮阔的革命斗争史,树立了革命前辈崇高的民族大气大义和不屈不挠的光辉形象。