回复 :在东京都板桥区一间名叫“赤冢”的秘密侦探事务所里,有些好色的侦探“刺猬”七濑五郎(瑛太 饰),与搭档“老灰”木暮(森田刚 饰)接手各种委托,有时是令人感动的悲哀故事,有时是超乎想象的非自然事件。这天,他正在事务所楼下的小吃店和打工小妹萌美扯闲篇儿时,天花板突然发出奇怪的敲击声,那是所长风香露(山口智子 饰)发出的暗号,五郎急急忙忙返回事务所。这次找到侦探所的委托人是个叫川田的男人,他要求侦探们帮他寻找一个月前去世的女儿……
回复 :武朝宠妃南姒(胡丹丹 饰)在战乱中动了胎气导致早产,生命垂危。皇帝苍寒聿(严子贤 饰)为救爱人性命与大祭司定下契约,以女儿小凤凰做为交换带南姒前往新的时空破除短命诅咒,一世是世家少爷与深宅废妻,一世是盛宠公主与平民驸马,无论是豪门大宅的勾心斗角还是复杂朝堂的风云诡谲,也不管两人是否有前世的记忆,苍寒聿和南姒始终将对方放在最重要的位置,互相扶持,用自己的方式保护和帮助爱人……
回复 :Hollywood-style time travel tales like to focus their attention on cultural fads and fashions: clothes, music, slang, daily technologies. The ingeniously low-budget Irish sci-fi film LOLA has fun with all of that, but also investigates darker, more global questions like: what if Germany had won World War II?Pieced together in dazzling 16mm as an imaginary collage of interlocking audio-visual documents from the 1940s, Andrew Legge, directing his debut feature, conjures the lives of two gifted and lively sisters, Thomasina and Martha. Left to their own devices as children, the pair has managed to create a machine that receives media broadcasts from the future. In their personal, cloistered, punk paradise, they embrace the rebellious styles of an age to come – The Kinks, David Bowie – but also discover, when military personnel move in, that history is a dangerous game to toy with. The ultimate question becomes: if mass media can change the world, can cinema miraculously restore it?Just like the monument to bricolage created by its characters, LOLA is an inspired conceit in the style of Guy Maddin, Woody Allen’s Zelig (1983) and Peter Jackson’s Forgotten Silver (1996). It’s a surreal romp through scratches, glitches and speculative possibilities.