回复 :奈莉,一位支离破碎的女人,无法相容于她的多重身份:作家、情人、应召女郎、明星。集众多女人于一身,游走在巨大的意气风发与觉醒之间,《她的应召日记》如同镜子般映照出奈莉热烈的生命与激进的事业。本片启发自小说家奈莉‧阿坎的成就与一生,一位法国和魁北克的文学之星,她的小说灵感 来自于身为职业伴侣的亲身经验。奈莉最终以自杀结束她年仅36岁、短暂而绚烂的生命。
回复 :"Bloom Up" is the true story of Hermes and Betta, an Italian couple who have been exchanging for over 4 years. The docuflm highlights their daily life on the one hand: at work, at home, their daughter and interests; and the attraction for the swinging world and its practice on the other: meetings, parties, dinners, car sex and much more. Everything is told and shown "without flters". The camera "pawns" the two main charachters within a "perverse" world sweetened by the sweet and gentle soul of the couple.
回复 :人气不良少年电影「学校制霸」的系列作,山田裕貴扮演的主人公安藤忠臣,围绕着「暗金(高利贷)」展开的故事。