回复 :The absurd antics of an Indiana town's public officials as they pursue sundry projects to make their city a better place.
回复 :Agents of Chaos, a two-part documentary from director Alex Gibney (HBO’s The Inventor: Out for Blood in Silicon Valley and Going Clear: Scientology and the Prison of Belief) examines Russia’s interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential election. Featuring interviews with key players and experts, classified information leaked by inside sources, and more, the film disentangles the complex details of Russia’s interference in the 2016 election and highlights the frightening vulnerabilities in America’s political process.The film is a product of years of reporting. With never-before-seen footage inside the Russian troll farms, and videos unearthed from the Russian deep web, the film digs deep into Russia’s sophisticated plans to undermine democracy, raising the alarm for the American public, but also proving that these “agents of chaos” weren’t Russians alone; they were also key players in the United States who, through venality, corruption or circumstance, furthered Putin’s goals, with a vulnerable and unsuspecting American public as their target.
回复 :故事发生在西汉正步入鼎盛的年代。羽翼未丰的汉武帝刘彻(林峰 饰)与统理朝政的窦太后(陈莎莉 饰)分歧日渐加大,矛盾渐生,王朝酝酿着一场争夺权力的暴雨腥风。与此同时,自幼背负着不公命运的卫子夫(王珞丹 饰)以歌女身份进入平阳公主(周丽淇 饰)的府中,郁郁寡欢的她在这里和刘彻实现了宿命般的邂逅。一如侯门深似海,况且是钩心斗角、杀机四伏的皇宫内院。与皇帝心意相通的卫子夫自然遭到皇后为首的后宫嫔妃的排挤和嫉恨。但这个坚强的女子,以柔弱的臂膀在险恶的深宫撑起一片蔚蓝纯洁的天空。在她的守护下,汉武帝不断成长为足以左右苍生命运的一代帝王。这是一代皇后的传奇,也是一段华丽辉煌的历史……