回复 :Ugly Americans is an American animated sitcom created by Devin Clark and developed by David M. Stern. The program focuses on the life of Mark Lilly, www. chaoji365.com a social worker employed by the Department of Integration, in an alternate reality version of New York City inhabited by monsters and other creatures gozando's torrents are always clean and if there is any problem ,please drop me a message and i will look into as soon and possible can, but just ENJOY IT ........ Haters stay Away with your falses comments and those who love to drop Bombs like FAKE, FISHY ,ETC,ETC, please get a life.haters had done that before but like i said, God is my witness and those who download my torrents,, i never upload garbage or anything wrong, all the material I upload i already seen it so is just fine. so help me fight the haters ans LIARS brown nosers..
回复 :《RIDER TIME 龙骑》是“Video Pass ×东映特摄 粉丝俱乐部共同企划Premium 电视剧”的第二弹作品。本作以2002年至2003年播出的《假面骑士龙骑》的城户真司假面骑士龙骑为主人公,真司役的原创演员为日前在发表的也会在《假面骑士时王》第21话、22话中登场的须贺贵匡。本外传由《假面骑士龙骑》的电视剧系列剧本参与者井上敏树原创,导演由《宇宙战队九连者 THE MOVIE Goes·Indaver的逆袭》的柴崎贵行担任。
回复 :这是一部由亚当里德(Adam meijubar.net Reed)制作的时长30分钟的动画喜剧。讲述的是发生在一家国际情报机构ISIS的故事。在危机席卷全球的时刻,这对ISIS训练有素的员工而言恰恰是一个彼此勾结、破坏、背叛的机会。男星乔恩·本杰明(Jon Benjamin)担任剧中温文尔雅而又缺乏男子气概的间谍主管Sterling Archer的配音,杰西卡·沃尔特(Jessica Walter)担任他盛气凌人的母亲兼老板Malory的配音工作,阿伊莎·泰勒(Aisha Tyler)在剧中为他的前女友——间谍Lana Kane配音,朱迪·格里尔(Judy Greer)则为Malory的秘书Chery担任配音。