国产A famed American author, Sophie, who travels to Scotland and finds herself wanting to buy a castle, but the prickly owner, a Scottish Duke named Myles, is reluctant to sell to a foreigner.
国产A famed American author, Sophie, who travels to Scotland and finds herself wanting to buy a castle, but the prickly owner, a Scottish Duke named Myles, is reluctant to sell to a foreigner.
回复 :影片以悲壮的笔触,描述了30年代时期,不丹国卡尔城金将军与日军勾结,在城里生产毒气,中国派遣特务“天字第一号”和现代镖局负责接出城主尤达。女镖师阿琼在爱慕尤达的金将军女儿芊芊帮助下,意欲和尤达一起逃走,但“天字第一号”力主要破坏毒气计划,结果被抓。金将军为救爱女,反过来帮助他们,与日军开始一场大战。
回复 :Adult brothers Mark and Colin Pollock still live with their parents Frank and Mavis Pollock in a small apartment in the projects of London's east end in what is a collective depressed and unhappy existence. The three men of the household are all on the dole, each doing little to find gainful employment. Between the brothers, Mark is the smart aleck, who calls his parents by their given names to irk them, and who hangs out with a bunch of hooligans as he refers to himself and his friends, such as a skinhead named Coxy. Although never medically diagnosed as such, Colin is seemingly emotionally slow. Colin likes to hang out with Mark and his friends in his want to be accepted, especially as Mark tells him that a neighborhood girl named Hayley is interested him. The family rarely socializes with Mavis' sister and brother-in-law, Barbara and John, who live a middle to upper middle class and seemingly perfect existence in the suburbs of Chigwell. Although not telling them to their face, John dislikes his relations by marriage, believing especially Mark to be brash and trashy. A unilateral act by Barbara leads to many issues within the extended family coming to the surface, most specifically the true happiness of the marriage between Barbara and John, and what Colin is truly looking for to be happy in life.
回复 :作为以色列特工,伊亚(里欧·艾希肯纳兹Lior Ashkenazi饰)的的工作就是用各种手段追杀前纳粹分子,他的妻子自杀身亡,并留下纸条,上面写着“你毁灭一切靠近你的东西”。伊亚对妻子的死万分内疚,然而任务还在继续,他要杀掉一名已经年迈的纳粹分子,目标人物的孙子艾瑟(克纳特·柏格Knut Berger饰)来到以色列和姐姐相聚,这给伊亚提供了绝好的机会。他以导游身份接近艾瑟,并带他游览耶路撒冷。沿途艾瑟对伊亚完全信任,甚至还产生了同性之爱,伊亚却在妻子自杀的阴霾中走不出来,并得知艾瑟祖父已经去世。这一切让伊亚倍感疲倦。当艾瑟离开以色列,伊亚开始挂念这段暧昧与友谊夹杂的感情。他飞往德国找到艾瑟,却意外得知了一个秘密,让他大为困惑,不知如何抉择。