回复 :Wealthy Rollo Treadway (Buster Keaton) suddenly decides to propose to his neighbor across the street, Betsy O'Brien (Kathryn McGuire), and sends his servant to book passage for a honeymoon sea cruise to Honolulu. When Betsy rejects his sudden offer however, he decides to go on the trip anyway, boarding without delay that night. Because the pier number is partially covered, he ends up on the wrong ship, the Navigator, which Betsy's rich father (Frederick Vroom) has just sold to a small country at war.Agents for the other small nation in the conflict decide to set the ship adrift that same night. When Betsy's father checks up on the ship, he is captured and tied up by the saboteurs. Betsy hears his cry for help and boards the ship to look for him, just before it is cut loose.The Navigator drifts out into the Pacific Ocean. The two unwitting passengers eventually find each other. At first, they have great difficulty looking after themselves, but adapt after a few weeks. At one point, they sight a navy ship and hoist a brightly-colored flag, not realizing it signals that the ship is under quarantine. As a result, the other vessel turns away.Finally, the ship grounds itself near an inhabited tropical island and springs a leak. While Rollo dons a deep sea diving suit and submerges to patch the hole, the black natives canoe out and take Betsy captive. When Rollo emerges from the ocean, the natives are scared off, enabling him to rescue Betsy and take her back to the ship. The natives return and try to board the ship. After a fierce struggle, Rollo and Betsy try to escape in a small dinghy. It starts to sink, and the natives swiftly overtake them in their canoes. Just when all seems lost, a navy submarine surfaces right underneath them and they are saved.
回复 :2004年,陈立生凭借自身的不懈努力和过硬的综合素质,被组织上提拔为县交通局局长。坐在宽敞的办公室里,执掌着全县上千万的公路建设大权,陈立生时常还会想起过去的一些事情。陈立生的父亲是一位参加过抗美援朝的老战斗英雄。从朝鲜回来后,父亲在家乡当了一辈子村支书。1969年,母亲因工殉职时,立生发誓要像父母那样做一个对人民有用、受人民敬重的人。转眼几十年过去了,立生在一路成长进步的道路上,始终铭记当年的誓言,尽心竭力地为群众做了不少的好事,得到了群众的拥护和爱戴,也得到了组织的重用和提拔。当上交通局长后,立生把年迈的父亲接进了城里,希望父亲能在县城颐养天年。父亲刚来那一阵子,为承包环城公路标段的建筑商就开始络绎不绝的登门拜访,无一例外的是,都打着看望老爷子的名义。面对名目繁杂的糖衣炮弹,立生起初还能秉公办事,也不忘警告妻子美兰,管好她的妈妈和弟弟,做到洁...
回复 :职业杀手唐(古天乐 饰)因杀人罪被捕,在狱中度过了漫长的十二载。刑满释放后的唐暗暗下定决心,要与过去划清界限,在余生里做一个好人。可是,唐曾经的好友陈雄(任达华 饰)和马克斯(张智霖 饰)却并不愿意就此放过他,他们希望唐能够再度出山,做掉菲律宾总统候选人。对于好友的非分之请,唐断然拒绝,可是之后,候选人还是被害身亡,不仅如此,现场遗留的证据表明,唐就是凶手,一时间,唐遭到了警方的缉捕。在女记者安妮(蔡少芬 饰)的帮助下,唐开始了惊天大逃亡,与此同时,查出真凶与揭露陈雄罪行的重任亦落到了唐的肩头,唐能够洗刷自己身上的不白之冤吗?