《少年好莱坞第二季》讲述在一个门可罗雀的小剧场内,日韩风见飒(逢坂良太 配音)、日韩甘木生马(柿原彻也 配音)佐伯希星(山下大辉 配音)、富井大树(苍井翔太 配音)和舞山春(小野贤章 配音)等五个还未满20岁的青年在负责人敕使河原恭一(新田将司 配音)的监督下刻苦训练,朝着偶像的梦想进发。
《少年好莱坞第二季》讲述在一个门可罗雀的小剧场内,日韩风见飒(逢坂良太 配音)、日韩甘木生马(柿原彻也 配音)佐伯希星(山下大辉 配音)、富井大树(苍井翔太 配音)和舞山春(小野贤章 配音)等五个还未满20岁的青年在负责人敕使河原恭一(新田将司 配音)的监督下刻苦训练,朝着偶像的梦想进发。
回复 :Five days after successfully rescuing Quinn Ergon from her prison, Gary Goodspeed, the Team Squad, and Bolo find themselves trapped within t he horrific dimension of Final Space, with everything being only a question of survival. Pursued relentlessly by Invictus, the newly resurrected Lord Commander, and the Titans, all determined to capture Mooncake to become even more powerful, the Team Squad's only hope is to ally themselves with Earth's last survivor before it's too late.--Final Space Wiki
回复 :BotBots are Transformer robots that disguise themselves as everyday mall objects. By day, these BotBots hide quietly on store shelves. But, at night, they jump into adventure until a group of BotBots called ‘The Lost Bots’ run into the mall security guard and put all the bots in danger. Will these misfits be able to overcome their differences, defeat the security guard and gain...
回复 :在一栋大楼最底层甦醒的13岁少女,瑞吉儿·加德纳(レイチェル・ガードナー),她没有任何记忆,不知道自己为何在这里,而为了回到地面,她开始试着逃出去,但是突然在她面前出现了脸上缠满绷带、拿着有如死神般的镰刀的杀人鬼。 “拜托你,杀了我。”“帮我一起从这里出去吧。那样的话,我就会杀了你。”两人之间的奇妙羁绊,随着那“荒诞的约定”而逐渐加深。这里究竟是什么地方?两人为何被囚禁于此?等待着两人的命运又是如何?为了从密闭大楼逃出的抱死觉悟之行揭开了序幕。两人最终是否能够坚守约定,并且安全地逃出这栋大楼呢?