回复 :Every weekend the gay male choir G-Voice rehearses in Seoul – as they have been doing since 2003. The choir, being a kind of antidote to homophobic Korean society, makes the everyday lives of gay men its theme in an intelligent and humorous way. For their tenth anniversary, the members are planning to give their first big concert with ambitious arrangements, creative choreographies and many new pieces. This really puts these amateur singers to the test because the enthusiasm of some members outweighs their vocal abilities, whilst others work themselves into the ground as voluntary organisers. Besides preparing for their big day, G-Voice are also politically active, singing for equality and serenading against discrimination, and not just at LGBTQ demos.Director Lee Dong-ha succeeds, almost incidentally, in giving an insight into gay life in Korea. He also accompanies choir members and organisers after the rehearsals, when conversations become more personal over a meal. Filmed in the style of glossy music videos, G-Voices’ set-pieces provide a commentary, among other things, on the men’s experiences of Korean society, their conservative families and a gay joy of life. berlinale 2016
回复 :“林小堂、邓勉之、庞立三人是同学兼死党,自称三剑客。林小堂和邓勉之同时爱上美女编剧吕夏,两兄弟为爱角逐,林小堂最终俘获吕夏,步入婚姻殿堂。邓勉之和和林小堂因此产生芥蒂。庞立跟女友花枝婚后生活拮据,丈母娘处处看不惯这个住在自己家里的女婿。林小堂和吕夏闪婚闪离,双方父母为挽救两人婚姻住进了两人首付的新房,两代人同处一室,再次上演了生活的悲喜剧。最终,林小堂和吕夏重新走到了一起。经历了风雨的几对年轻人终于明白爱情、友情、亲情应该合心协力,相互支持,才会营造一份和谐的美。
回复 :心地善良的侏儒陆灯搭救了病倒街头、身怀有孕的女青年司马姑,两人在患难中结成夫妻。时过境迁,爱慕虚荣的司马姑提出离婚,陆灯同意了,但司马姑还是将父母留下的房子暂借给陆。离婚后,陆与小诸葛、哑哥一起办起了“让你美”特体服装店,三人结成兄弟。从外地来的贸易公司经理戴天想在此地开大酒店,盯上了司马姑的房子,对司马大献殷勤,司马沉浸于戴的甜言蜜语中,强迫陆搬家。而陆却因当天是司马的生日,亲自赶做了她喜爱的连衣裙送去。失去小店的三兄弟洒泪分手,不久却得到了市民政局的支持,三兄弟的店得以重新开张。领行主演:余华东主演:潘婕 Jie Pan ....司马姑郭涛 Tao Guo ....哑哥崔涛 Tao Cui ....小诸葛