回复 :A mysterious man (Malcolm McDowell) comes to meet a woman living in a house in the woods. Who are they and why are their lives meant to cross? What kind of fate is in store for them?
回复 :The Cardiff club scene in the 90's: five best friends deal with their relationships and their personal demons during a weekend. Jip calls himself a sexual paranoid, afraid he's impotent. Lulu, Jip's mate, doesn't find much to fancy in men. Nina hates her job at a fast food joint, and her man, Koop, who dreams of being a great hip-hop d.j., is prone to fits of un-provoked jealousy. The fifth is Moff, whose family is down on his behavior. Starting Friday afternoon, with preparations for clubbing, we follow the five from Ecstacy-induced fun through a booze-laden come-down early Saturday morning followed by the weekend's aftermath. It's breakthrough time for at least three of them.
回复 :一向以完美好男人形象示人的42岁著名男演员吉约姆在新戏中搭档29岁年轻女演员卡米尔,上演一出父女亲情戏。然而,吉约姆不能接受饰演“老男人”的角色,在听到卡米尔对自己的评价后更是愤懑不已。曾怀有音乐梦想但五音不全的他重燃摇滚激情,并为了证明年轻极力融入卡米尔等年轻人的圈子,不料却大出洋相。这时又传来他未能获得凯撒奖的坏消息,吉约姆情绪焦灼,在片场频出状况,引发制片人和卡米尔的强烈不满。在他试镜年轻角色被拒之后,吉约姆如走火入魔般想要重回年轻。他不顾爱人玛丽昂的反对和朋友的鄙夷,坚持微整形与健身。终于,吉约姆拥有了紧致的肌肤和强健的体魄。容光焕发的吉约姆接到美国制片公司的邀请前去拍片,同样因为年龄问题错失准备已久的角色的玛丽昂在一年后带着儿子与其相会,并与他在片中饰演搭档。