回复 :Weaving links between New York’s auction houses and art dealers, a revered British Leonardo da Vinci expert, one opportunistic Swiss go-between, a Russian oligarch, London’s Tate Gallery, Le Musée du Louvre in Paris, and a Saudi Arabian prince, journalist Antoine Vitkine delves into the secrets of the art world, and explores the influence that one painting can have. After mysteriously appearing, a painting titled Salvator Mundi (The Savior of the World) was sold at Christie’s auction house, for a record 450 million US dollars in 2017. Attributed to Leonardo da Vinci after its discovery, what became the most expensive piece of art ever has unleashed passions, while revealing the excesses of our time. Journeying along the hidden trails of money, power, and deception lying behind this questionable masterpiece, this film asks: is this really the work of the Italian genius, or one of the greatest scams in the history of art?
回复 :根据马修·蒂格为《时尚先生》杂志撰写的获得国家杂志大奖的文章改编,布拉德·英格尔斯比操刀该剧本。故事讲述在得知伴侣妮可(约翰逊饰)只有六个月的生命后,马修(阿弗莱克饰)意外地得到了他们最好朋友(席格尔饰)的支持。他搬到了他们家,暂时搁置了自己的生活。
回复 :夏凡(龚琳娜 饰)因为对丈夫失望,所以建立了一个名叫抱喜的网站,意图通过男人帮助女人改造男人。不得志的歌手谭冠荣(甄子丹 饰)赋闲在家,但空姐女友(应采儿 饰)不理解自己的苦衷。他的抱喜任务,是冒充富豪陪同遭家暴的歌星宋秋波(吴君如 饰)参加派对,向宿敌示威。狡黠律师黄百鸣虽然在打官司上非常在行,但是却因为长年疏于照顾,与女儿苏菲失和。他的抱喜任务是帮助富家女陈思思(杨幂 饰)选择适婚男友,以继承亡父的遗产。建筑工人彭坚(古天乐 饰)因为身份卑微,追女孩屡屡受挫。他的抱喜任务是为摄影师Julie Sun(陈慧琳 饰)充当男模。作家华一声(杜汶泽 饰)善于描写爱情,但是因为相貌平平不敢以真面目示人。他的抱喜任务是帮助一名失明女子谈笑(熊黛林 饰)感受爱情。这四个男人能否顺利完成他们的抱喜任务呢?……