下限In 2017, it was revealed that the Department of Defense recently spent millions investigating reports of UFOs. This is the latest disclosure about a series of secret government UFO projects.
下限In 2017, it was revealed that the Department of Defense recently spent millions investigating reports of UFOs. This is the latest disclosure about a series of secret government UFO projects.
回复 :医学院学生米娅(米歇尔·洪 Michelle Ang 饰)正筹划针对阿兹海默综合症写一篇博士论文,她辗转找到名叫莎拉·洛根(安妮·拉姆塞 Anne Ramsay 饰)的女性,希望能以莎拉的母亲狄波拉(吉尔·拉森 Jill Larson 饰) 为对象拍摄一部纪录片。狄波拉为人保守刻板,此时正处于阿兹海默的前期,虽然她对拍摄颇为抵触,但是家中糟糕的经济状况不得不使她接受女儿的请求。在此之后,米娅和盖文(Brett Gentile 饰)、路易斯(Jeremy DeCarlos 饰)组成的摄影团队驱车来到洛根一家位于丛林中央的房子里。他们对狄波拉周围的人进行采访,贴身记录这家人的一切言行举止。而在这一过程中,病情不断恶化的狄波拉变得越来越古怪,甚至到了反常恐怖的地步……
回复 :一个下着雨的夜晚,着名的玩具师傅被人绑架了,只有一只老鼠有办法找到他的下落,那就是住在贝克街的超级侦探巴索!伤心的玩具师傅女儿奥莉薇,在好心的道森医生帮忙下,终于找到大名鼎鼎的巴索,说服他展开营救行动。巴索终于发现绑架玩具师傅的幕后黑手,竟是他长久以来想将之绳之以法的头号敌人瑞根!聪明的巴索是否能即时揭穿瑞根的秘密让奥莉薇与父亲团聚,甚至成为挽救国家安危的英雄?
回复 :Gary Busey plays Buck, a former Vietnam veteran/ex-con recently released from the state prison. He returns to the small Midwest town where he grew up only to discover the place overrun by a large motorcycle gang bent on causing trouble. When the bikers murder his wife and traumatize his young daughter, Busey, with the help from a fellow Vietnam vet, as well as his former cell-mate, a drug kingpin living in Miami, Buck arms himself to the teeth and wages a war against the motorcyclists to destroy them once and for all.