回复 :
回复 :The story revolves around Estelle, an incomparably professional long-haul pilot/captain who leads a perfectly structured life alongside her loving and protective husband Guillaume. Everything seems to be going well, although the endless flights and bouts of "jet lag" are beginning to upset the young woman’s biorhythms, especially her sleep. One day, in a corridor in Nice airport, she randomly crosses paths with Ana, a photographer she’d had a passionate affair with twenty years earlier. Estelle has no way of knowing that this reunion will suck her into a nightmaresque spiral and lure her life into irrationality...
回复 :2012多伦多国际影展竞赛片,真实故事改编,麦可米高文执导,詹姆斯克隆威尔与詹妮薇芙布卓联合主演。脑海的橡皮擦,渐渐拭去妳对我的记忆,但我对妳的爱永不放弃89岁的老人克雷格与妻子艾琳结缡60载,两人长久以来居住的房屋,随着日晒雨淋逐渐损毁,不适人居。克雷格继承了父辈的造船手艺和事必躬亲的精神,决定帮罹患失智症的妻子打造新家。但时过境迁,他採用昔日的建筑工法,已不符合现今的法规,因此被一个偏执政府官员盯上,多次发出停工禁令,眼看着爱妻的病情愈发严重,克雷格面对强制出庭,甚至是牢狱之灾的威胁,于是让他做出最后一个决定…。现实生活中的克雷格,本人相当有自信,并且富有幽默感。他很骄傲自己靠着务农,一路照顾自己的妻子和七个孩子至今。充满活力的言谈,让人完全感受不到他早已超过90岁高龄。导演描述他时说道:「他是那种无所不知的人,知道怎麽造桥、铺路甚至是盖房子…。他的灵魂独立自主,而且深深启发了我。」