回复 :Following last year's successful documentary exploring the world of Thailand's ladyboys, this new thought-provoking series offers further insight into a sector of Thai society that makes up one per cent of the country's population. This revealing documentary explores the world of transsexuals in Thailand, and follows two Americans who travel to Bangkok for sex change surgery, and a British ex-pat looking for love.
回复 :夏乃花火是一名十五岁的高中女生,为了上学,花火回到了童年时代曾经居住过的小镇,记忆中十分广袤的小镇在已经长大了的花火看来是这样的狭小和局促,怀揣着内心复杂的感情,花火来到了名为“立花馆”的宿舍,立花馆的破烂不堪让花火感到震惊,抱着“只住一个月就马上搬走”的念头,花火成为了立花馆里的一名住客。 花火曾经青梅竹马的玩伴藤原好美、外表冷酷让人无法接近内心却意外的单纯没有心机的篁伊织、个性大大咧咧总喜欢趁机对花火上下其手的性感大姐姐月城优,花火很快就和居住在立花馆里的这些住户们打成了一片。
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