回复 :由韦伯亲自监制的音乐剧DVD作品目前只有三部,它们分别是《猫》、《万世巨星》和这部《约瑟夫与神奇彩衣》。该剧是韦伯的处女作,1968年起在伦敦上演,当时韦伯仅仅20岁。正是这部戏开始了韦伯的音乐剧传奇。约瑟夫的故事完全取材于《圣经创世纪》,讲述受父亲特别宠爱的约瑟夫被他十一个兄弟嫉妒、出卖到埃及,最终衣锦还乡,手足交好的故事。饰演男主角约瑟夫的是70年代青春偶像唐尼奥斯门(Donny Osmond),奥斯门原先是摇滚歌手,在事业举步维艰之时加入韦伯王国而重获新生(他在《韦伯50周年音乐会》中也曾出场)。他在该剧中演唱的《无路可走》(Close Every Door to Me)逼真地刻画了约瑟夫被陷害后的心情,十分苍凉感人。该剧布景豪华,歌舞场面目不暇接,音乐元素十分丰富,是一部老少咸宜的剧目。
回复 :American Blackout imagines the story of a national power failure in the United States caused by a cyberattack — told in real time, over 10 days, by those who kept filming on cameras and phones. You’ll learn what it means to be absolutely powerless. Gritty, visceral and totally immersive, see what it might take to survive from day one, and who would be left standing when the lights come back on.
回复 :World renowned chef Gordon Ramsay puts 12 aspiring young chefs through rigorous and devastating challenges at his restaurant in Hollywood, "Hell's Kitchen", to determine which of them will win the restaurant of their dreams. Their dreams are quickly becoming nightmares. Written by {robocoptng986127@aol.com}