球场A documentary that takes an exclusive look at Srpski film (2010) with never before seen footage of the film and the worldwide reactions of one of the most talked about, controversial films of the last decade.
球场A documentary that takes an exclusive look at Srpski film (2010) with never before seen footage of the film and the worldwide reactions of one of the most talked about, controversial films of the last decade.
回复 :On a cold November night in 1993, Wanda Lopez was stabbed to death while she worked at a Corpus Cristi Texas gas station. 21 year old Carlos DeLuna was arrested, and over the next six years, through his trial and subsequent imprisonment he protested his innocence, declaring that it was another Carlos who committed the crime. The prosecution insisted that this other Carlos was a “phantom’ and didn’t exist. Through illuminating interviews with witnesses, Carlos’ family members, and legal experts the film asks, for the first time since 1993, if the judicial system executed an innocent man, examining key evidence that calls into question whether or not Carlos DeLuna was right about the other Carlos. Was he a phantom after all, or was he a brutal killer, and did a poor Hispanic young man have any chance within a justice system and a society that by it's actions seemed to regard him as disposable? —Deborah Rudolph
回复 :在十九世纪的美国与墨西哥战役中,陆军上尉约翰鲍尔因为表现懦弱,被军方派往荒芜的内华达山脉前哨基地驻守,与一群乌合之众的劣等士兵过着无聊透顶的生活。后来一名苏格兰男子艾维斯闯入了军营,他交代自己本来与一队人同往此地,但在途中遇大风雪,众人躲到山洞中栖身。在饥寒交逼下,他们竟互相残杀吃起人肉来,只有艾维斯逃出这个疯狂的山洞。鲍尔上尉闻讯后带队到山洞查察,不料艾维斯竟然是食人魔。本片的故事看来像是低劣的血腥恐怖片,其实拍得相当严肃,对战争与生存的主题有发人深省的探讨。导演安东尼亚贝特的快节奏处理毫不拖泥带水,后段更拍出了黑色喜剧感。两名主角盖皮尔斯和劳勃卡莱尔都演出特色。
回复 :A group of soldiers are ordered to hold a bridge during a zombie outbreak, but what lives underneath the bridge, proves to be even more deadly.